The Wrap-Up: May
Cristina Alcalde, vice president of the office of transformational and inclusive excellence, is named one the Top 50 Women Leaders of Ohio for 2024 by Women We Admire.
Rosemary Pennington, associate professor of Media, Journalism, and Film, is the author of Pop Islam: Seeing American Muslims in Popular Media, published in April by Indiana University Press. The book explores depictions of Muslims and of Islam in American popular culture.
John Bailer, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Statistics, and Rosemary Pennington, associate professor of Media, Journalism, and Film, recorded the audiobook version of their book “Statistics Behind the Headlines.” The audiobook is available on the Stats+Stories podcast website. To listen to “Statistics Behind the Headlines” go to http://www.statsandstories.net/book.
Steven Tuck, professor of History, is part of a team pioneering a new investigation that finds evidence that some Pompeiians survived the eruption of AD 79. He is featured on the PBS-KPBS series POMPEII: THE NEW DIG (New Series Premiere) episode 2, “Escape,” released May 22.
Elise Radina, professor of Family Science and Social Work and associate dean of the Graduate School, has been selected to attend the HERS Leadership Institute — a leadership development program for higher education professionals.
David Seidl, vice president for IT Services and chief information officer, co-wrote the article Lockpicking Lessons for Leaders, published in Educause Review, about his hobby of locksport (lock picking). The activity of picking locks has a lot to teach technology leaders and is a fun metaphor for much of the work done on a day-to-day basis.
Savanna-Rae Fahoum, Ph.D. ‘23, recent graduate student in Biology, was interviewed on a micro podcast about her research with Dawn Blitz, associate professor of Biology, recently published in the Journal of Neurophysiology, Switching Neuron Contributions to Second Network Activity.
Randi Thomas, vice president of ASPIRE, and Ande Durojaiye, vice president and dean of Miami University Regionals, received $10 million from the Butler County Board of Commissioners, with pass-through funds from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the CARES Act, for the project entitled "Establishment of the Butler County Advanced Manufacturing Training, Education and Workforce Development Center."
Brian Schultz, professor of Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry, received $160,000 from Accelerate Great Schools for the project titled " A Concept Summary for Accelerate Great Schools.”
Jason Boock, assistant professor, and Keith Hohn, professor, of Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering; Joanna Hohn, K-12 outreach in the College of Engineering and Computing; and Fazeel Khan, professor, Kumar Singh, professor, and Yingbin Hu, assistant professor, of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, received $70,180 from the Ohio Department of Development for a project entitled "Advanced Manufacturing Teacher BootCamp at Miami University."
Tatjana Miljkovic, associate professor of Statistics, received $12,413 from the US Diving Foundation for a project entitled "US Diving Injuries Project."
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